Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Wittenberg Center to End Electroshock (WCEE)

The picture above is of me and my husband Steven Wittenberg. Steven and I decided to open up "The Wittenberg Center to End Electroshock (WCEE) " on May 20, 2007 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

We have a blog for our new center at the URL:


We felt there was a need for mental health legislation changes in order to ban electroshock.

In Canada, every province has their own mental health laws.

Our center will lobby all levels of governments to ban electroshock.

We are looking for a student lawyer for help up one day a week.

We are looking for an office and we need two updated computers with all the accessories, a fax machine, and a scanner in order to do our work for the center. These are needed urgently.

If you could help in any way, that would be very much appreciated. You can contact Sue at 613-721-1833 or email Sue at: 2005.sueclark@gmail.com Thank you.