Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Sue's Personal Story "Behind the Locked Ward"


I have a blog about my personal true life story. I have seven chapters up on this blog and I will continue to write the rest of my story this summer. Update: September 12, 3 quarters of my book is up online. See all the pics too.

My blog is called "Behind the Locked Ward - The Sue Clark Story" The URL for Sue's online book is:


This blog depicts my traumatic childhood, my troubled teen years, my admissions to psychiatric hospitals at the age of 17 years old, my 18 years of being locked up on psychiatric wards in Ottawa and Brockville, Ontario, Canada.

I write about my recovery from living without psychiatry since 1990; I have had no psychiatric hospital admissions nor have I taken any psychiatric medications since then.

I write about my antipoverty, my antipychiatry and anti-ect activism.

I write about how I am doing now and my vision for the future.

I welcome comments, constructive criticism, suggestions from those reading my blogs. I welcome media interviews and do speaking engagements as well. Call me at 613-721-1833 or email me at:
2005.sueclark@gmail.com Two months notice needed for speaking engagements. Fees to be discussed.